Adios, November!

Whew – what a great November! We had a seriously rocking kick-off to the season with 3 wonderful wedding groups (totaling over 200 guests) and 7 fabulous events: 2 weddings, 3 welcome/rehearsal fiestas, and 2 day-after celebrations. On top of all that, we booked our first 2 weddings for the 2012/2013 season (more to come on that!) and played a great show with our rock band, Los Gatos Negros de Sayulita, at Bar Don Pato's on the plaza (Darrin from The Mango Tree Project, previously featured on this here blog, even cut an awesome video for us!). It’s been a busy month!

I am anxiously awaiting photos from our November weddings with Dia + Patrick and Christine + Adam. Both were gorgeous, super-fun events with very different themes and feels, each equally amazing because of the great people involved: brides, grooms, and guests included. A unified element at both were sky/fire lanterns, which we lit at each reception and as part of both ceremonies. This was my first experience with these and I was excited and a little nervous about the logistics (How will we light 40-odd lanterns at once? Or, more troublesome: will they blow the wrong way and set the Palapa on fire???), but they were actually pretty foolproof and absolutely magical. The shared, interactive experience of sending that many beautiful glowing lanterns into the sky at once is utterly ethereal and goose-bump-inducing. We encouraged guests to make a wish as they sent their lanterns up into the night sky. Set to a soundtrack of Edith Piaf… total perfection, and so much more moving than fireworks. I can’t wait to get some more to set off with my family – New Year’s Eve maybe?

We got to work with 3 kick-**s Photographers this month, Ed FladungJillian Mitchell, and Adam Wiseman, so we are highly anticipating the awesomeness that is sure to be coming forth and will be shared here post-haste!

Testament to November’s popularity as a wedding month, Sayulita hosted several other wedding groups throughout the month, and we looked back on 6 wonderful SDW anniversaries on this blog. Hard as it is ‘fess up, I am not perfect and I did miss a few of our past November weddings, so in wrap up for the month, I would like to extend very Happy (Belated) Anniversary Wishes to:

Susan + Renzo of Telluride, CO | November 4, 2006
Falene + Erin of Ketchikan, AK | November 9, 2006
Meredith + Brian of Austin, TX | November 21, 2009
Monica + John of Denver, CO | November 24, 2007
Kristen + Jason of Seattle, WA | November 28, 2008

Counting this year, that makes 14 November weddings in 6 years!

Looking ahead, December is all about planning for Winter/Spring weddings (next up: Jessica + Chad from Boise, ID!), celebrating the Holidays with Family & Friends, and of course parties – lots of fun parties, none of which I am responsible for organizing!

xo, SDW